A Reflection ...
On collaboration and Ukraine
Collaboration is a process in which two or more people, organizations or countries (internationally) work together to achieve common goals through the exchange of goods and services, information or training and consensus. This results from a profound collective determination to achieve identical or similar objectives.
The Foundation for International Collaboration (FIC) is the path to success. Joint activities, with organizations working together and interconnected people working to achieve goals and objectives at the political, economic, humanitarian, scientific or charitable level.
Such joint activities should ideally benefit all those involved. They should lead both to mutual benefit and satisfaction of one or more parties that are connected.
I live in Ukraine and work as an economist in a home for young people with disabilities. Together with the other employees, we organize our combined labor to create accommodation for the boarding pupils that is like home, ensuring comfort at the physical, mental and moral levels.
During the anti-terrorist operations in my country, some charitable associations are helping soldiers with food, clothing and military armour. They also help the families of the wounded and fallen soldiers financially, encouraging other people to help, as well as businesses and even people and organizations from other countries. Collaboration in this is very important - sharing common goals and not looking at the objectives from a competitive point of view.
I believe that FIC will benefit and encourage international co-operation and do good, not only for people, but also many organizations in many different ways.
Ryzuk Yuleya is FIC representative in Ukraine
Reflections are the views expressed by the author. We acknowledge the right of people to hold and express different views, but these are their personal views and there is no implication whatsoever that the Foundation supports, endorses or in any way agrees with those views.