Tuesday 10 December 2024

How to submit a Reflection

Anyone can submit a Reflection!

We would welcome anything appropriate that relates to the interests of the Foundation (you can check our Charter here) - whether it is an observation, discussion point, reflection on life or other comment.

Each Reflection must be from a named author - we must have their e-mail / contact details - but these are not necessarily put online - see below.

As a guideline, a Reflection:
  • should be up to around 500 words (not too rigidly fixed)

  • should, where posssible, have an accompanying picture / graphic (decent resolution - you give us the Copyright permission to use it).

  • The by-line can take the form (you choose):
    • Jane Smith
    • Jane Smith, Bloggs Ltd
    • Albert Smith, Cairo
    • Fred, Budapest
    • Titles are optional for each (eg. Dr, Professor ...)

  • an optional link can be included to your web site / blog etc

You can submit your contribution by e-mailing us at info (at) f-i-c.org